All registered athletes must wear the Centre uniform when competing.
South Launceston Little Athletics Centre’s uniform consists of a Royal blue top with red trim and plain black shorts.
Athletes may wear generic black shorts above the knee as part of the SLLAC uniform, but only small logos are allowed on the shorts under Little Athletics Tasmania rules:
According to Little Athletics Tasmania rules, any branding or logo on the athlete shorts/tights may be displayed once and must not be greater than 20cm² eg: (4 x 5cm) or (2 x 10), with a maximum height of 4cm.
Footwear must be worn in all events by all competing members; spike shoes may be worn by athletes from the Under 11 age group and above. Check the LAA rules for more details.
New orders can be made through our online uniform shop. The Centre keeps some items in stock – please contact us for more information.
*Note that the online shop is open only for certain periods.
The front of the athlete’s competition top MUST display the athlete’s name bib. The Coles age patch is to be displayed on the front, upper right side of the competition top.
Only the current season’s badges are to be worn. Please ensure that all previous year’s badges are removed from uniforms.