Centre Duties
During the registration process, each parent/carer is asked to nominate a role they could fulfil based on skills, experience and/or interest. It is the responsibility of teams (i.e. Start Marshalls) to liaise with each other prior to each meet. Communication between duty members for Centre Duty roles will be managed directly via groups in WhatsApp (i.e. Starter team deciding who will start for which events on a given meet). Please access duty information here.
Age Group Crew
Any parent/carer who isn’t allocated a centre duty is expected to assist on field events with their child’s age group crew. The Age Group Manager (AGM) will communicate and assign roles on the day or via WhatsApp. All parents assisting on site must wear a yellow vest (official) or orange vest (duty crew). Please collect these from the tubs in the marshalling area and return after the event.
Event Officials
All parents/carers are encouraged to learn how to officiate events. You can start your journey with Little Athletics Tasmania courses, which are available here. If you are new to the Centre but already qualified, please send completed module certificates to
We may require additional assistance at various times during a meet, and a call will be put out via the PA system. We ask that parents/carers step up when requested to ensure our meets can proceed efficiently. If you are unsure, please come to the Help tent, where someone will be able to assist you.
If for some reason you are unable to assist at a meet, we require volunteers to assist on a weeknight mowing and marking the arena. Please contact the Centre if this is a duty you can fulfil.
Be Your Best
The philosophy of Little Athletics is to ‘Be Your Best’ and to enable and encourage participation in physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. This includes physical and mental health. Parents/carers are reminded that the emphasis is not on winning but rather achieving personal bests (PBs). This is where success is achieved and should be celebrated. Parents/carers are requested not to pressure athletes to win but rather to continue trying their best. Parents/carers are also requested to ‘Be Your Best’ in all aspects of their demeanor.
Parents on-site
Our Centre by-laws state that parents (other than parents of Tiny Tots) are not permitted in the marshalling area or on track or field event sites with the following exceptions:
The purpose of this Bylaw is to encourage independence in participants and to ensure equity for children whose parents are involved in official duties elsewhere at the centre.
Parents of athletes in the younger age groups can accompany their children to the marshalling area and remain until the official, or track marshall has called the athletes’ names.
The shade tents are for athletes to marshall. All spectators must be behind the fence that runs in front of the spectator stand or on the outer grass areas.
Duty of Care
Athletes must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to, and for the duration of, all competition meetings.
Parents are required to ensure that all children compete in the correct Centre uniform. Uniform details and requirements can be found here. Tiny Tots are not required to be in Centre uniform.
We need to adhere to our Centre By-laws, particularly in preparation for the Championships.
Please remember, everyone at our Centre is a volunteer and here to assist the children to participate in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Little Athletics Tasmania also has information for parents/carers, which can be found here.