GOLD - Program Sponsor
We have three different programs which we rotate throughout the season being Program 1, 2 and 3. Each program contains different events for each age group and is spread evenly throughout the season.
Quantity available: 3
Pay year amount: $1,500
Naming Rights: Over the entire day (6 meets per season).
Signage: Corflute In front of the grandstand.
Advertising: Acknowledgement with logo on our website and Facebook page.
Product stand: The opportunity for you to set up promotional materials (i.e. teardrop banner or product stand) at the track on your sponsored program days.
Public Announcements: Publicity via regular announcements over the PA system for your sponsored days.
Centre Championships:
- Your logo on our medals and ribbons.
- Representation at our Centre championship for your sponsored program to present event medals.
Commitment: 2 years